Title: Strong Looks Better Naked
Author: Khloe Kardashian
Genre: Health & Fitness, Memoir-adjacent
Format: eBook
Khloé Kardashian shares her secrets for finding strength of body, heart, mind, and soul with inspirational, revealing stories of her own struggles with weight, relationships, and her self-image.
In a culture that worships skinny, Khloe Kardashian writes with passion about the power of strength: a strong body becomes a strong mind, which builds to strength of heart, character, and ultimately strength of spirit. This is an inspiring book about how to create strength and true beauty in every area of you life, inside and out. The book features inspired personal stories from Khloe and practical how-to advice about building a strong body, mind, heart, and soul in your own life.
When I picked up this book, I assumed it was going to be a memoir. All I actually knew was that it was written by Khloe Kardashian and I like watching KUWTK, so why not? Turns out, Strong Looks Better Naked is a healthy living book.
The health advice is nothing revolutionary. The depth doesn't come from the health information itself but in how Khloe presents it. She writes like she talks, so you feel as if you are listening to a friend tell you about their journey to a healthier lifestyle. She also gives the recipe for "Khloe's Famous Breaded Chicken." If you watch KUWTK, you may think buying the book is worth it just for the recipe. I already used it (hah). So, yes, she gives some advice we've all heard before but the way the advice is presented is what sets the book apart.
Since SLBN probably won't have any health information that you haven't heard before, don't read it hoping its will be full of nutrition research, give you the ten secrets to becoming skinny in 10 days, or even a specific diet (of course, if that's what you are looking for, you probably wouldn't have picked up this particular book anyway). SLBN is more of a personal journey, the way Khloe went about getting in shape: her eating & exercising habits and her mindset.
And don't be totally disappointed if you are hoping for a memoir. There were some memoir-like aspects. Khloe shares some of her childhood (her dad and his death), her relationship with Lamar, and addresses some scenes you may have seen on KUWTK. The space she uses to talk about her father were my favorite parts of the book.
In the end, I enjoyed the book but not because I learned some revolutionary way to get in shape but because I enjoyed reading about Khloe's journey to fitness (and it can't hurt to be reminded of basic healthy habits).
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